Okay, That definitely was a compilation of my last few days. I had very poor tasting generic vitamin water from costco and threw it away, I trick or treated with the 3rd floor girls, and I always have made fun of facebook for obscure name changes. Still, what was with the thunder storms and tornadoes? God only knows...
Here is some thoughts from James 3
James 3
The gifted trying to rise to power without the character
-The pressure will make what is inside comes out
-Eventually you will use your gifts to poison
-Cleverness will turn into poison, singeing the hearts of the ones who listen
-Among you, who is wise? Let that person show by his good behavior and his deeds and gentleness of wisdom
-Don’t be arrogant against the truth
-It is demonic where jealously and self ambition exist
1. If these motives exist (language of comparison), it has primarily to do about insecurity
2 types of wisdom (how one can be tested)
a. Watch ones actions, how they treat someone when no one is watching. The person should demonstrate gentleness lived out (strength under control)
1. Can only be gentle if you are strong
2. In order to be gentle, you have to know your power.
1a. If you don’t know your strength, then you don’t know when you can do it.
-If you don’t want to go to that pool, don’t go in that tube
-If someone wants something, you better ask if they are ready for it.
-If you’re going to lead out of selfishness and ambition, where do you think you are going to lead your followers?
1. We are not after this.
2. This is the kind of wisdom that got the devil where it is now
-Leading with selfish ambition and jealousy brutalizes ones followers
-Peaceable is a proactive engagement. It tries to bring people together. Peace isn’t negotiated based on the denial of self, it is peace by caring for the other.
-when there is conflict, come with humility, understand the person and find some middle ground
-wisdom strives for peace
-don’t be arrogant, own your stuff and don’t pretend its not there.
1. deal with it
-We try to deal with our arrogance arrogantly
-the opposite of hypocrisy is sincerity
-in a relational community, you act out of love and respect
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