Monday, December 6, 2010

Finals Week

I just got my free Sprinkle's cupcake and I'm sitting down in the Comm lab ready to finish some much anticipated work. There is a point in the semester where I have to just mix things up a bit...esp. during finals week. There is just so much to be done, that I can forget to eat, sleep, exercise, and even enjoy my life. I think the motto "work hard play hard" is valid, but I think work hard and play harder is the need motto to my outlook this week. I can't let school get me down, there is just so much about life that supercedes the small intricacies of my school life. I encourage all who read this to not get bogged down in your work, but make it a point to enjoy the life God has given you. Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has it's own worries, but just work on today, and praise God!

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